Migration and generation replecement

Ilya Kashnitsky

12 December 2016

The volume of migration

Bell, M., Charles-Edwards, E., Ueffing, P., Stillwell, J., Kupiszewski, M., & Kupiszewska, D. (2015). Internal Migration and Development: Comparing Migration Intensities Around the World. Population and Development Review, 41(1), 33-58. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1728-4457.2015.00025.x



Selection and adaptation of migrants

Jews in USSR and in Israel

Tolts, M. S. (2015). Demographic Transformations among Ex-Soviet Migrants in Israel. In Research in Jewish Demography and Identity (pp. 146–168). Boston, MA: Academic Studies Press. Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/11419692

The unique study

  • 1.6M of jews moved from (former) USSR between 1990 and 2009
  • A massive “experiment” on a considerable sized population
  • Initial selection (?)
  • Exposition to new demographic regime
  • Adaptation to new realities









Health selectivness of migration

Andersson, G., & Drefahl, S. (2016). Long-Distance Migration and Mortality in Sweden: Testing the Salmon Bias and Healthy Migrant Hypotheses. Population, Space and Place, n/a-n/a. https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2032

  • Positive health selection
  • Salmon bias




Internal migration and happiness

Switek, M. (2016). Internal Migration and Life Satisfaction: Well-Being Paths of Young Adult Migrants. Social Indicators Research, 125(1), 191–241. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-014-0829-x


Push factors

Corruption and emigration

Cooray, A., & Schneider, F. (2015). Does corruption promote emigration? An empirical examination. Journal of Population Economics, 29(1), 293–310. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00148-015-0563-y

Intervening obstacles

Visa regulations

Czaika, M., & Hobolth, M. (2016). Do restrictive asylum and visa policies increase irregular migration into Europe? European Union Politics, 17(3), 345–365. https://doi.org/10.1177/1465116516633299


Study aims

  • Restrictive measures tend to lower the number of assylum seekers
  • Hypothesis: restrictive measures promote illegal migration
  • Data on illegal migrants’ arrests - the only available estimate of the volume of illegal migration
  • Comparable data only available since 2008
  • 29 destination countries of EU and more than 200 countries of origin



Forced migration


Doocy, S., Lyles, E., Delbiso, T. D., Robinson, C. W., & The IOCC/GOPA Study Team. (2015). Internal displacement and the Syrian crisis: an analysis of trends from 2011–2014. Conflict and Health, 9(1), 33. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13031-015-0060-7


The use of generation replacement indexes for migration studies

Wilson, C., Sobotka, T., Williamson, L., & Boyle, P. (2013). Migration and intergenerational replacement in Europe. Population and Development Review, 39(1), 131–157. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1728-4457.2013.00576.x

Russian translation
Уилсон, К., Соботка, Т., Уильямсон, Л., & Бойл, П. (2015). Миграция и замещение поколений в Европе. Демографическое Обозрение, 2(1), 56–88. http://demreview.hse.ru/2015–1/163566778.html




Sweden: a sub-national analysis

Why Sweden?

  • The best statistics in the world
  • Population register since 1968 (!)
  • Easily available data
  • Quite a difference between regions


  • 21 counties (NUTS-3 level) and 290 municipalities
  • Population structures by one-year age groups
  • Study period 1968-2013 (45 years)

  • Time: 2015 February 4-6
  • Conference: Internal migration and commuting in international perspective
  • Place: Wiesbaden, Germany
  • Topic: The use of generation replacement indexes for the research on internal youth migration


The rise of educational attainment

SHEA (2014). Higher education in Sweden: 2014 status report (No. 2014:10) (p. 68). Stockholm: Swedish Higher Education Authority. [PDF]

For the world see: Goujon, A., K.C., S., Speringer, M., Barakat, B., Potancokova, M., Eder, J., … Lutz, W. (2016). A harmonized dataset on global educational attainment between 1970 and 2060 – an analytical window into recent trends and future prospects in human capital development. Journal of Demographic Economics, 82(3), 315–363. https://doi.org/10.1017/dem.2016.10

Hypothesis: a simple classification of regions

# Type of the region Migration balance at “student ages” Migration balance at “post-student ages”
1 Metropolitan Positive Positive
2 University Positive Negative
3 Strong periphery Negative Positive
4 Weak periphery Negative Negative

Changes in time

  • In some regions, I found clearly visible changes in youth migration trends
  • University opening or enlargement
  • The rise of educational attainment


Municipal level analysis

  • County of Skane, Southern Sweden
  • 33 municipalities
  • 4 relatively big cities (Malmo, Lund, Landskrona, Helsingborg)
  • 2 universities (Lund, Malmo)
  • All the pattern are more evident

Thanks for attention